Welcome Jade's page!
Jade is the mother of two daughters, Sour, and Candy.
Candy is deaf and uses a hearing aid, her sister Sour is a warrior and next to the throne of the war kingdom. When they first met Jade Sour was glad to have a mom finally, but Candy was distant and distrusting of her. Jade just was very paitent with her, she'd sing her lullabies and read her books at night, she would stay up all night watching her if she had to. and eventually she warmed up to Jade.
But she was easily made jealous, especially when jade wanted to have a child with their father Oliver. She was upset about the thought of a new child because she'd always been the baby. She was scared if Jade had another child she would love her less, so she resented the child. And thus she resented Jade. She would throw fits over it and lock herself away in her room, she even refused to eat dinner with Jade in her presence.
This saddened Jade as she loved all of her children with all of her heart, she didn't want Candy to feel any less important to her. She made a point to try to make sure she felt loved and cared for especially with the new baby she was expecting, and so when she miscarried she showered Candy in love and grew even more attached to her, and while Candy was too young to understand it, she did enjoy it quite a bit.
An image of Jade when she first met Oliver